title special offer
2 Fyve bracelets free with every purchase of a Transcash pack
NFC Contactless payment solutions Cards for all the families Free shipping in France and overseas
NFC Contactless payment solutions Cards for all the families Free shipping in France and overseas

Category: Account management
  • Online (24/7) :

Scan or photograph both sides of your valid identity document (European National Identity Card, French or foreign passport, French residence permit)

Save it on your computer or mobile/tablet

Go to clone24.clone24.transcash.fr section “my account” and click on “Change Formula” in the “Card management” section and choose the ESSENTIAL Formula.

Follow the instructions shown on the screen.

When you send your identity document from your “my account” area, it will be verified and validated by our team in just a few seconds.

  • By email :

Scan or photograph your valid identity document front and back (European National Identity Card, French or foreign Passport or French residence permit).

Save them to your computer or mobile/tablet.

Email them to activation@trans-cash.fr specifying your pack number.

When you send these documents by email, they will be verified and validated within 7 business days.