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2 Fyve bracelets free with every purchase of a Transcash pack
NFC Contactless payment solutions Cards for all the families Free shipping in France and overseas
NFC Contactless payment solutions Cards for all the families Free shipping in France and overseas

Category: Google Pay with Transcash

There are several possible reasons, among the most common:

  1. Don’t forget to download the Google Pay application on your Android device first! Without it, you will not be able to connect your card from the Transcash Mastercard app.
  2. Make sure your device has a lock: code, fingerprint or facial recognition.
  3. Check the status of your card: it should be functional for purchases. If it is locked, lost/stolen or inactive, it will not work with Google Pay.
  4. If you have an anonymous ACCESS card (no declared identity), you cannot use Google Pay. You have to log into your customer area or the app to fill out the identification form!