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NFC Contactless payment solutions Cards for all the families Free shipping in France and overseas

Category: Complaints

Our complaints handling procedure

Handling complaints is a key factor in the excellence of the Transcash service. Every customer is entitled to a high-quality, fair, efficient and courteous service. Therefore, your feedback is very important to us. We are very attentive to our customers’ queries and opinions, which we hope will help us to keep on improving the quality and efficiency of the individualised services we offer you, as well as improving our product for greater satisfaction.

How to make a complaint

If you are not completely satisfied or are having difficulties, we encourage you to send a complaint to our customer service department by email, fax or post at the following address:TRANSCASH – BP5613718 ALLAUCH CEDEX
Fax. +33 (0)4 91 07 50 59
Customer Area (personal): https://transcash.espace-personnel.fr
Email: service-client@trans-cash.fr

The information you need to provide

  • Your name, login and any reference enabling us to identify your case such as the pack number or transaction ID number. Never tell anyone your password, card number or PIN;
  • Your contact details such as your email address or phone number;
  • A detailed description of your complaint.

How we deal with your complaint

Our customer service will always aim to achieve complete customer satisfaction in a fair, efficient and timely manner.Step 1:  You will receive an acknowledgement of receipt confirming that your complaint has been registered by our team. Your complaint will then be processed within 15 business days of receipt and within 35 business days in exceptional situations.Step 2: Once the problem has been resolved, you will receive written confirmation of the resolution of your problem by email, fax or post.Step 3: If we have not been able to process your complaint within 15 business days, you will be kept informed of the status of your case and a definitive answer will be given to you within 35 business days.

If you are still not satisfied

We are committed to resolving complaints wherever possible. If an issue cannot be resolved satisfactorily or if you have not received a response within 15 business days, you may bring your complaint to the attention of a Financial Ombudsman, free of charge. This procedure must be initiated within six months of receiving confirmation that the problem has been resolved. If this time limit is not met, except in a limited number of cases, the Financial Ombudsman will not have our consent to consider your complaint. The Ombudsman service is there to provide independent arbitration.

Supervision Service of the Bank of Lithuania

You may also apply directly to the Supervision Service of the Bank of Lithuania at the following postal address: Žalgirio str. 90, LT-09303, Vilnius, Lithuania. This service can be accessed, for example, by email: frpt@lb.lt, and, using an online form available on the website, https://www.lb.lt/en/dbc-settle-a-dispute-with-a-financial-service-provider.

Online sales

The European Commission has set up an Online Dispute Resolution Platform (ODR Platform). It has been developed to help European Union (EU) residents who wish to make a complaint about a product or service purchased online from a European merchant’s website. You can file your complaint online directly on the platform using one of the official European languages (ODR Platform). Upon receipt of your complaint, the ODR Platform will be able to forward it to the British Financial Ombudsman Service in order to help resolve the problem. You can access the ODR Platform by clicking on the following link: http://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/